Moving Studios!
As we have decided to cancel our move to Palo Alto (husband’s new office was shut down during pandemic and he is quite liking working here from home!) I’ve been on the hunt for studio space.
If you have been following me for a while you know I’ve predominantly worked out of my home, except for a brief period in 2019 right before we got our puppy (...and then I was too busy with him to justify renting the room!)
I love working from home.
I love waking up and stumbling down the stairs to get coffee and sit in my studio. It’s my favorite room in the house.
I really need more space for the ideas I want to work with and the projects I’m currently working on.
So, now that we are 100% for sure staying in Ann Arbor - I’ve begun the process of checking out office spaces and artist areas for rent.
Here’s what I am hoping to find in no particular order;
Natural light. (I have my own lighting kit for photos)
Within my budget. Needs to make sense financially.
Dog friendly. Chew won’t be with me everyday, but the ability to bring him along occasionally is really important.
Easily accessible water/not a fancy sink. ( This seems like a silly list item, but I’ve toured some places with shared bathrooms WAAAAAAAY down the hall - too far to lug jars/brushes as often as I need to. Also if the only sink is a fancy one, I’ll be spending just as much time cleaning the sink as I am cleaning brushes. Laundry tub is ideal.)
Moderate temperature control. I’m ok with underpowered ACs/heat - but I can’t have super high humidity when I’m working/storing paper.
Ability to host events, bring collectors in for tours.
How pretty is this space!? A serious contender.
I’ve got a few more tours lined up for the weekend, fingers crossed for something to pan out soon-ish. I’ve got a lot of big ideas ready to go.